Quartz Crystals
Sample Crystal - 44 lbs - Ht 10 in.Sample Crystal - 3.4 lbs - Ht 3.4 in |
Price: Quartz crystals are available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and prices
The SYDA Foundation is pleased to make available for purchase a collection of fine quartz crystals that have been in Shree Muktananda Ashram since 1989.
These crystals were mined in Hot Springs, Arkansas, from a mine whose crystals are considered to be among the finest in the world.
In several Siddha Yoga ashrams quartz crystals are placed in various locations to support beauty and harmony.
The crystals can be placed in your meditation area and in any room of your home and office. These quartz crystals also make lovely gifts that support meditation. They are available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes.
For further information please email Crystals@syda.org and provide your name and contact phone number.