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Be Filled with Enthusiasm and Sing God's Glory (Gurumayi's Message for 1996): CD

Price: $19.95
Item Number: BK-108080

A talk by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

This Siddha Yoga Message for 1996 brings new meaning to the word "enthusiasm", which literally means "carrying God within" or "possessed of the inner Lord." Gurumayi invites us all to become fully aware of the energy of God that we carry within us, and to allow this greatness to stream forth by singing God's glory with every action we perform, every thought we entertain, and every emotion that passes through us. Right now, Gurumayi tells us, we can make the simple decision to allow ourselves to experience an ocean of enthusiasm and the continuous pulsation of God's glory in our being. This is her joy-filled message to the world for 1996.

CD 44.49 minutes


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