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The SYDA Foundation
The SYDA Foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1974. The SYDA Foundation’s role is to protect, preserve, and disseminate Siddha Yoga philosophy and culture. The Foundation works within the framework of a long-range vision to maintain all aspects of the Siddha Yoga path and preserve it as a dynamic spiritual path, now and for generations to come.
The Foundation disseminates the Siddha Yoga teachings given by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda,Swami Muktananda,and Bhagawan Nityananda.With Gurumayi’s inspiration and guidance, sevites in the Foundation’s Philosophy and Culture Area create and produce Siddha Yoga learning and teaching events and products. These include Siddha Yoga Shaktipat Intensives,Siddha Yoga retreats,Global Audio Satsangs,and the Siddha Yoga Home Study Course.
Through the Siddha Yoga Bookstore,the Foundation also makes available audio and video recordings, as well as Siddha Yoga books and learning guides. As part of the global work of the Foundation, sevitesoversee the translation and production of Siddha Yoga publications into more than twenty languages.
To ensure the accuracy and purity of the Siddha Yoga teachings, as well as consistency in their presentation worldwide, the SYDA Foundation disseminates guidelines and standards that provide direction for Siddha Yoga ashrams, centers, and chanting and meditation groups around the world. Through Shakti Punja, the Siddha Yoga archives, the Foundation protects and preserves the treasured materials that record the history of the Siddha Yoga path and the Siddha Yoga Guru lineage.
The Foundation maintains the Siddha Yoga Website as a means of informing seekers and Siddha Yogis about the nature of Siddha Yoga practice, the calendar of learning and teaching events,and opportunities to serve as long-term retreat participantsin the Foundation.
In addition, the SYDA Foundation guides the work of The PRASAD Project,which provides health, education and sustainable development programs to children, families, and communities in need; the Muktabodha Indological Research Institute,which helps preserve and make available the Indian scriptures as well as the ancient Vedic traditions; and the Prison Project,which teaches the practice of Siddha Yoga meditation in prisons located in several countries.
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